Marketing: Saying "No."

This was written under contract to TVI Marketing, NYC.

“No” is (Sometimes) the Right Answer

In the world of marketing it’s almost a truism that you never say “no” to a client. After all, we’re a serviced-based industry, we’re here to fulfill the needs of our customers, and doing what they ask us to do is how we make our living. Some businesses even make it part of their core philosophy that the answer is always “yes.”

But saying “no” to a client can sometimes be your best option, and it can lead to a better long-term relationship.

As a general rule, lying to clients is not something that is going to benefit you over the long run.

Every organization has strengths and weaknesses, and no one has infinite capabilities. Sometimes a client is going to ask you to do something you just aren’t able to do, or for a service that you don’t offer, or for something to be done in a time frame that is not realistic. When it happens, it can put you in a difficult position. Because your instinct as a businessperson is telling you, “This is business, it’s paying work for a good client, maybe we can find a way to wing it.” Following that line of thought, the next thing you know, you’re making promises you may not be able to keep. And approaching a client later, telling them you misled them, confronting them with failure, is far worse than honestly telling them “no” from the start would have been. A conversation like that can destroy a business relationship.

Conversely, being honest from the start can build trust, and foster better relationships with the people we do business with. Telling a client, basically, “what you want done takes more time to do than you think it does” can be part of a learning process that may make them better appreciate the value of your services. Honestly letting someone know that they are requesting a service that you don’t provide, or in an area where you have no expertise, is going to at least let them know that you have integrity, and that you’re not going to steer them wrong. It teaches them that when you say you can do something, that you can actually deliver – because they’ve learned that if you can’t, you’ll tell them so.

And of course, sometimes a client asks you to do something, and it’s just a terrible idea. 

Sometimes they may ask you to do something that is damaging to their brand image, or that conflicts with another area of their overall marketing strategy. When that happens, you need to have a conversation with them, and persuade them not to insist on doing something that is self-destructive. 

It helps to go into that conversation with some credibility and trust on your side.